
Donation to Provide Resources

Your Donation will help add to our resources for mothers, fathers and family members who need support in their time of loss.

Professional Education and Awareness

Your donation to HUG will help us provide education and training to medical professionals on how to deal with Still Birth and the resulting needs of the immediate family.

Public Awareness and Education

Your donations go to literature and events that educate and promote public awareness of the special issues that arise from this loss.


Holistic Understanding of Grief

A Non-Profit Organization
HUG is putting together a packet to give to families during their stay in the hospital. This packet will consist of a teddy bear so they will not leave completely empty handed, a small informational booklet which will include, funeral information, halachic rulings connected to stillbirth, a personalized letter written to the family, a beautiful journal for them to write in, information for H.U.G and guidance in this crucial timeframe when the couple needs to make decisions. If they have living children, a copy of Hashem Cries Too will be included. This important packet can be a candle in the darkness for these families who don’t know where to turn.

  • To sponsor one HUG booklet $10
  • To sponsor 1 HUG journal $18
  • To sponsor a Teddy bear $25
  • To sponsor 1 HUG packet $36 (contains a booklet, Teddy bear and journal)
  • To sponsor 25 HUG booklets $250
  • To sponsor 25 HUG Journals $450
  • To sponsor 25 Teddy Bears $613
  • To sponsor 25 HUG packets $900


Your support is appreciated and will help our ongoing efforts to provide support to those dealing with loss.